Who can apply to access UK LLC’s TRE

UK LLC welcomes applications from any UK-based bona fide researcher, including PhD students. Researchers can only access the TRE from within the UK.

As part of UK LLC’s ‘Five Safes’ application process, all applicants must demonstrate that they are ‘safe people’ who are trained and authorised to use data safely and understand current GDPR legislation.

All applicants must either already hold ONS Accredited Researcher status or be enrolled on an ONS Safe Researcher Training course.

In addition, applicants must:

  • Be part of a research organisation with the skills and capacity to conduct professional and high quality research. This includes organisations such as Universities, UK Government departments or commercial companies*. Applications to access UK LLC’s TRE must demonstrate their objective is to produce benefits to the public good and should not be for profit making.
  • Provide a short CV demonstrating their ability to conduct the proposed research. The Applications Team provide guidance documentation on how to produce a CV containing all the required information.
  • Sign a UK LLC Data User Responsibilities Agreement (DURA). The purpose of this document is to make clear to each user the responsibilities they hold. The terms and conditions of the DURA is a pre-condition to gaining access to UK LLC’s TRE.

For further details read the Data Access and Acceptable Use Policy section 5: ‘Eligibility and Requirements to Access Data’ and our Frequently Asked Questions that provide more detail on the application process.

*LPS have their own local conditions in relation to applications from commercial companies. These can be explored through submitting an Expression of Interest.