UK LLC originated as part of the COVID-19 Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing National Core Study. It provides researchers with a route to access linked data from well-established Longitudinal Population Studies (LPS) to routine records. The data is held in a Trusted Research Environment, established by SeRP UK, where linked data from the LPS taking part can be used to answer important research questions.
UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration is led by the Universities of Bristol and Edinburgh, in collaboration with University College London (UCL), UK LLC is run by the Universities of Bristol and Edinburgh, in collaboration with UCL, SeRP UK, Swansea University and University of Leicester. It originated as part of the COVID-19 Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing National Core Study. Our work is funded by UK Research and Innovation, Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council.
Longitudinal population studies (LPS) look at groups of individuals or factors and follow them up over time, regularly collecting data on them. The value of LPS research lies in collecting a broad range of information then repeating collection at regular intervals. The information allows researchers to investigate the relationship between different things that occur in individuals’ lives and how this can lead to changes in their health and wellbeing or personal circumstances.
Information from each collaborating LPS will be analysed with information from other LPS and linked to whole population health and social records. This will provide greater breadth and depth of information that was previously possible through a single application. Researchers using the secure UK LLC Trusted Research Environment will work to answer priority questions set by the government and from the NHS. The findings will be fed back to help guide policy and health care decisions.
We are driven by our passion to build on the UK’s longitudinal research successes and to help ensure these are inclusive of all.
We believe in community. We exist to support our longitudinal research colleagues in their work to improve people’s health and wellbeing now and in years to come.
We commit to operate in a transparent way to build trust with the public and study participants and be clear the ways in which we work are secure and conducted for the public good.
Our approach will be responsive, allowing us to make agile choices within the changing research landscape.
UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration
University of Bristol
Room G.08
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road