Applying to access data in UK LLC’s TRE.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions which aim to provide you with the information you need to understand our application process. Please also refer to our Data Access and Acceptable Use Policy.
When you are ready to make an enquiry go to the UK LLC Online Application System.
We are currently transitioning from a COVID-19 resource to a general purpose research resource. If you are interested in applying for a COVID-19 research project, please complete an Expression of Interest (EOI). If you are interested in applying for a general purpose research project please email us at
Q: Who can apply to access UK LLC’s TRE?
A: UK LLC welcomes applications from any UK-based bona fide researcher, including PhD students. As part of UK LLC’s ‘Five Safes’ application process, all applicants must demonstrate that they are ‘safe people’ who are trained and authorised to use data safely and understand current GDPR legislation. All applicants must either hold ONS Accredited Researcher status or be enrolled on an ONS Safe Researcher Training course.
Q: Why should I apply to access data held in the UK LLC TRE?
A: UK LLC can provide access to selections of data from 20+ longitudinal population studies and the study data will be linked to routine records. The data will be remotely accessible via UK LLC’s Trusted Research Environment with linkages refreshed periodically. A typical timeline would be ten weeks from full application to approval stage (not including legal contract signing).
Q: How much does it cost to apply to access data held in the UK LLC TRE?
A: There is currently no cost.
Q: What kinds of data are in UK LLC’s TRE?
A: UK LLC’s TRE is designed to hold a broad and diverse range of longitudinal population study (LPS) study-collected data and linked health and social data. UK LLC’s TRE currently holds data collected from more than 20 of the UK’s well-established longitudinal studies, and linked electronic health records from NHS England.
Q: How do I apply to access data held in the UK LLC TRE?
A: Applying to access data in the UK LLC TRE is a three stage process, summarised in this flow diagram:
The process starts with an enquiry via the UK LLC Online Application Process. Please also see the answers to the questions below about each individual stage of the application process.
Q: Do you accept applications from multi-organisational collaborations?
A: Yes. Details on each organisation must be listed on the application form and all must be UK-based.
Please also see the answers to the questions below about each individual stage of the application process.
Q: What happens after my application is approved?
A: Once your application is approved, you must complete a DAA, a System Level Security Policy (SLSP) (not required if your University has the NHS Digital DSPT) and a Data User Responsibilities Agreement (DURA). Once all the paperwork is complete, you will be sent instructions on how to set up two factor authentication (2FA) to access UK LLC’s TRE. More details are provided in the Accessing data in the UK LLC TRE.
Q: What does stage 1 of the application process involve?
A: Expressions of Interest (EoIs) are made via the UK LLC Online Application System. Incomplete or insufficiently justified EoIs are returned to applicants, who have the opportunity to revise and resubmit. Applicants whose EoIs are approved by UK LLC’s triage team are invited to submit a full application, along with guidance as to how to write a lay summary, expectations on public involvement and communication of your outcomes.
Q: What does stage 2 of the application process involve?
A: An initial assessment of full applications is conducted by the UK LLC Application Review Panel against the ‘Five Safes’ framework: Safe projects; Safe people; Safe settings; Safe data; and Safe outputs (What is the Five Safes framework? – UK Data Service). All applications are also reviewed to ensure that the data being requested are appropriate for the research questions; that there are sufficient public involvement plans in place; and that the lay summary meets the documented criteria. Any questions or concerns are sent back to the applicant(s) and resubmitted applications are re-reviewed by the UK LLC Application Review Panel.
Q: What does stage 3 of the application process involve?
A: Applications that include linked health data are reviewed by (i) the individual longitudinal population study (LPS) data access committees (DACs) – each study DAC is responsible for reviewing the application on behalf of their study; (ii) the UK LLC Data Access Public Review Panel; and (iii) the UK LLC Data Linkage Review Panel. The latter two comprise the UK LLC DAC. Applications that only include LPS data are reviewed only by (i) the individual LPS (DACs); and (ii) the UK LLC Data Access Public Review Panel
Q: How should I approach writing my lay summary?
A: A guidance document will be provided with your application pack on writing a lay summary. You will be asked to outline what you aim to achieve, your plan to achieve your aims, how having access to the data is important and what the anticipated public benefits are. There is a 200 word limit and tips on how to write for a lay audience.
Q: How should I approach writing a summary on my public involvement plans?
A: A guidance document will be provided with your application pack on writing a public involvement summary. You will be asked to outline whether you have conducted public involvement on your project to date and how you plan to continue this work throughout the project.
Q: Are members of the public involved in the application process?
A: Yes. The UK LLC Data Access Public Review Panel features several members of the public. Their area of responsibility is to review the lay summary, public involvement strategy and public benefit for your project.
Q: What is involved with the UK LLC Data Access Public Review Panel meeting?
A: You will require to attend the monthly UK LLC Data Access Public Review Panel meeting and give a five-minute verbal presentation about your project to the panel, focusing on content from the lay summary, public involvement and public benefit sections of your application form. This will be followed by a short Q&A to allow our public contributors to ask questions about your project.
Q: Can I make an amendment to my application?
A: Yes, you can make an amendment(s) to your application, e.g. adding/removing named researchers, requesting further study or linked data. Please contact the Applications Team (
Q: I don’t meet the academic qualifications to apply for Accredited Researcher status, what are my options?
A: We will accept applications from researchers granted Provisional Accredited Researcher status, under the DEA.
Q: If my application is declined, can I appeal?
A: Yes, a declined study can go through the appeal process once. You must respond fully to all feedback provided. Your amended application will be re-reviewed at stage 2, moving onto stage 3, if successful.
Q: How do I contact the UK LLC Applications Team?
A: For any queries related to your UK LLC application, please email