How to apply to access data in UK LLC’s TRE

The first step is to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) via the UK LLC portal on the HDR UK Innovation Gateway.
UK LLC’s Applications Team will establish if the capabilities of UK LLC’s platform align with your project. Incomplete or insufficiently justified EoIs are returned to applicants, who have the opportunity to revise and resubmit.

Applicants whose EoIs are approved are invited by UK LLC’s Applications Team to submit a full application.

Your application must include the following information:

  • The purpose and aims of your project
  • The LPS datasets and linkages requested
  • Details about all team members, including their ONS Accredited Researcher status
  • How the project will provide public benefit
  • Public involvement plans and a lay summary.

For further details read the Data Access and Acceptable Use Policy, section 7: ‘Making an Application’.

The contracts process requires the following:

  • A Data Access Agreement signed by each institute involved in the application
  • A Data User Responsibilities Agreement signed by each named researcher
  • Evidence of sufficient levels of information security policy and practice at each host institute. This may be either:
    • ISO 27001 certificate
    • NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

If neither of these is available a UK LLC System Level Security Policy form must be completed instead.

For further details read the Data Access and Acceptable Use Policy, section 5.2: ‘Application governance (legal documentation)’.

Further information on the application process can be found by reading our Frequently Asked Questions