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My first Steering Group meeting

Betty Idemudia

29th Aug 2024

In this blog, Betty Idemudia shares her experience of attending the inaugural UK LLC Citizen Panel Steering Group meeting. She describes how her lack of prior knowledge led to exploration and learn the concepts around Citizen Panels. Betty describes how her time spent as a Research Assistant for the last two months has reinforced her beliefs on the importance of research, preparation, and effective communication in collaborative projects.
This blog is one of a two-part series, please also read the related blog by Dr Lidis Garbovan.

Joining the Citizen Panel Team: A Journey into Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

As someone with little to no prior knowledge about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) or Citizen Panels, I initially felt uncertain about how to proceed. However, this uncertainty drove me to delve deeper into understanding what PPIE entails. Since the Citizen Panel project aims to involve underrepresented groups in Longitudinal Population Studies, I began researching these groups and compiled a list of third-sector organizations that work with them.

Creating the Steering Group

Our first task was to establish a Steering Group to guide the project and co-create materials. I assisted our Research Fellow and Citizen Panel Lead, Lidis, in the recruitment process for the Steering Group, where we both reviewed expressions of interest from prospective members. To comprehend the roles and responsibilities of a Steering Group, I conducted extensive research, finding practical and successful examples. Doing this, I learned that a Steering Group not only coordinates a project but also ensures the project team stays aligned with its goals.

Preparing for the First Steering Group Meeting

In preparation for our first meeting, I summarized the literature review on Steering Group roles and responsibilities. While this seemed like a simple task, Lidis found it helpful in planning the meeting. This made me happy and excited to see how the first meeting would go.

The First Meeting Experience

Despite initial technical difficulties with audio and video connections, the meeting began with introductions and an ice-breaker where everyone shared their typical Thursday evening activities. I mentioned that I would usually be at the gym doing some workouts. This activity effectively helped everyone feel comfortable.

The members were attentive and genuinely interested in the project. As an observer, I noticed a free flow of ideas and enthusiastic interaction. Members were eager to understand their roles and contributed valuable suggestions, particularly on recruiting from seldom-heard groups into the core Citizen Panel. While some information was overwhelming, the team noted areas needing simplification.

Reflecting on the Journey

Being part of the Citizen Panel has been a journey of learning and re-learning for me. The successful first Steering Group meeting has laid a solid foundation for what is to come. I eagerly anticipate the incredible achievements that the Citizen Panel will realize.

This journey has reinforced the importance of research, preparation, and effective communication in collaborative projects. The experience has been enriching, and I look forward to continuing this impactful work.

Betty Idemudia

A research assistant with a strong background in microbiology and a master’s degree with an outstanding achievement award in biomedical health. Passionate about improving healthcare delivery and consequently health outcomes, Betty has developed expertise in research, communication, teamwork, and data analytics, including hands-on experience with Microsoft Power BI and Tableau. Outside of work, Betty enjoys working out and watching football.