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My Experience So Far

Betty Idemudia

8th Aug 2024

In this blog, Betty Idemudia talks about her experience to date as a Research Assistant with UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration (UK LLC). Betty joins UK LLC as part of this year’s Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) Black Internship Programme and has been involved in supporting two important areas of work – data documentation and the co-development of a new Citizen Panel.

As I approach the halfway point of my internship at the UK LLC, I can confidently state that thus far, my internship has been amazing. The last few weeks have exceeded my initial expectations in terms of learning, growth, and inspiration.

From the outset, I had a warm welcome and support from the incredible staff, notably my line manager, Dr Lidis Garbovan, who was present at the HDR UK opening ceremony and welcomed me in person before my official start date. I got introduced to the goals, objective and activities run by the organisation. The inspiring story behind the establishment of a Trusted Research Environment (TRE) for longitudinal research, originally aimed to provide data during the COVID era and now enabling general purpose research, set a positive tone for what was to come.

Engaging Projects and Hands-On Learning

During my first week I was introduced to my objectives for the duration of my internship which included a Citizen Panel project for the University of Edinburgh team and a data project for the data team at the University of Bristol. Starting off with the data project, I had the opportunity to work on documenting NHS Wales datasets and setting up a guidebook for researchers. For this project, I worked under the guidance of Dr Katharine Evans who is a senior data manager. Katharine patiently guided me through the process of getting a copy of the project on GitHub to my local file, making MarkDown files using VS code and uploading these files to the Guidebook using Git Bash. This hands-on project helped me develop technical skills and it improved my collaboration skills. It also provided me with essential insights into the world of health data science.

The Citizen Panel project is a Participant and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) project. I was tasked with researching about under-represented groups in longitudinal studies and third sector organisations working with them, that may be interested in being part of the members of the core Citizen Panel.

I also worked with Lidis in the recruitment process for the Steering Group. We both reviewed expressions of interest from the Longitudinal Population Study participants. I conducted a literature review on the purpose and format of Steering Groups. This experience broadened my perspective on engaging the public in health research.

Visiting the UK LLC office at the University of Edinburgh

“Even though this project is just getting started, I am excited about the incredible objectives it will accomplish.”

Building Connections and Networks

One of the most enriching aspects of this internship has been the opportunity to connect with professionals. I had the opportunity to physically meet with the University of Bristol team as well as the team at the University of Edinburgh. As an introvert, this was not only an opportunity to build connection but also an opportunity to explore the beautiful cities of Bristol and Edinburgh. The interactive session with both teams fostered a strong sense of community, facilitating networking and knowledge exchange.

Engaging with professionals who share a passion for health data research has been incredibly motivating and has broadened my perspective on the various applications of research data. While I was unable to explore Bristol as I anticipated, I was able to do that in Edinburgh where I took some beautiful pictures. Also, I got some UK LLC materials which I really love!

Challenges and Growth

Like every worthwhile experience, it goes without saying that I have faced challenges in this internship. Adapting to new technologies, especially navigating how to successfully create pull requests for the Guidebook repository, researching useful papers for literature reviews as well as balancing multiple tasks have tested my problem-solving abilities and time management skills.

However, every obstacle I’ve faced has helped me grow—both personally and professionally—by giving me more resiliency and a deeper understanding of the field.

Picture of Edinburgh city, by the author.

Moving Forward

I am excited to learn more and participate to the ongoing Citizen Panel project as I approach the last weeks of my internship.

“I’m sure that the knowledge and expertise I’m gaining will help me in my future career and also contribute to the advancements in health data research.”

In conclusion, my internship journey at UK LLC has been a life-changing event. I am grateful for the opportunities, mentorship, and connections that have made this journey so worthwhile. I am excited to keep learning and making a positive impact through our collaborative efforts.

Betty Idemudia

A research assistant with a strong background in microbiology and a master’s degree with an outstanding achievement award in biomedical health. Passionate about improving healthcare delivery and consequently health outcomes, Betty has developed expertise in research, communication, teamwork, and data analytics, including hands-on experience with Microsoft Power BI and Tableau. Outside of work, Betty enjoys working out and watching football.