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Data Access Register - full project summary

Application ID LLC_0027
Project Title Mental health and COVID-19 vaccine outcomes
Lead Applicant Ru Jia
Organisation(s) Name(s) University of Nottingham
Approval Date 30/01/2023
Application Status Approved
Lay Summary

COVID-19 vaccines play a major role in preventing people from getting severely ill or dying from COVID-19. Two factors affect how the vaccines can keep protecting people. First, people need to be fully vaccinated. Second, the vaccines need to be effective. This research aims to understand how well COVID-19 vaccines work in people with mental health conditions (eg depression and anxiety). Specifically, we try to understand two questions. First, in the UK population, what proportion of people with mental health conditions are fully vaccinated against COVID-19? Second, whether this group of people are more likely to get infected, get ill, or die due to COVID-19 even after being vaccinated, compared with those without mental health conditions?

We will use data from the UK LLC to estimate how many people have taken COVID-19 vaccines and how effective the vaccines are, in people with and without mental health conditions.

This research will help inform healthcare providers on three aspects. First, how to engage and support people with mental health conditions to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Second, how to assist healthcare professionals to deliver vaccines to this group. Third, whether this group will need additional interventions to reduce health risks related to COVID-19.

Datasets Requested

Study Data

  • Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
  • British Cohort Study 1970 (BCS 70)
  • Born in Bradford (BiB)
  • English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
  • Extended Cohort for E-health, Environment and DNA (EXCEED)
  • Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD)
  • Millennium Cohort Study (MCS)
  • National Child Development Study 1958 (NCDS58)
  • Next Step
  • NIHR BioResrouce Coping
  • National Survey of Health and Development 1946 (NSHD46)
  • Southall and Brent Revisited (SABRE)
  • TRACK Covid-19
  • Generation Scotland

Linked Data

  • NHS Digital Demographics
  • NHS Digital Civil Registration – Deaths
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Accident and Emergency
  • NHS Digital Mental Health Services Data Set
  • NHS Digital Medicines Dispensed in Primary Care
  • NHS Digital GDPPR Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)
  • NHS Digital Covid-19 Vaccination Status
  • NHS Digital Covid-19 Vaccination Adverse Reactions
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 SARI-WATCH (formally CHESS)
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 Second Generation Surveillance System (Pillar 1 & Pillar 2)
  • NHS Digital NPex (Pillar 2)
  • NHS Digital Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results (Pillar 3)
Results & Impact