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Data Access Register - full project summary

Application ID LLC_0015
Project Title Socio-demographic determinants of COVID-19
Lead Applicant Olivia Hamilton
Organisation(s) Name(s) University of Glasgow
Approval Date 10/08/2022
Application Status Approved
Lay Summary

Research has shown that some people are more at risk of COVID-19 than others because of personal factors, such as sex, ethnicity, or financial situation. In this study, we aim to understand whether differences in peoples’ personal factors increase their risk of COVID-19. To do this, we will link data from 10 research studies with data on COVID-19 infection status from NHS health records. We will use statistical modelling to look at the relationship between personal factors and COVID-19. We will also look at whether certain combinations of personal factors increase someone’s risk of COVID-19 further. For example, are Ethnic Minority women without a university degree more likely to report having had COVID-19 than others? . We will also test if our results differ depending on whether information about COVID infection is taken from research participants’ own reports, or from blood tests.

Our findings will identify groups of individuals who had the highest risk of COVID-19 in the early waves of the pandemic. We will share the results with policy makers to help with decisions on how to support and protect these people.

Datasets Requested

Study data

  • British Cohort Study 1970 (BCS 70)
  • Born in Bradford
  • ELSA
  • Millennium Cohort Study (MCS)
  • National Childhood Development Study 1958 (NCDS 58)
  • National Survey of Health and Development 1946 (NSHD)
  • UK Household Longitudinal Study (UK HLS)
  • Generation Scotland

Linked data

  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care (Augmented/critical care period)
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Critical Care
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatient
  • NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Accident and Emergency
  • Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS)
  • NHS Digital GDPPR Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Status
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 SARI-WATCH (formerly CHESS)
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 Second Generation Surviellence System (Pillar 1 & Pillar 2)
  • NHS Digital NPex (pillar 2)
  • NHS Digital COVID-19 Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results (Pillar 3)
Results & Impact