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Data Access Register - full project summary

Application ID LLC_0026
Project Title Capturing ethnicity in UK electronic health records and longitudinal studies
Lead Applicant Venexia Walker
Organisation(s) Name(s) University of Bristol
Approval Date 03/02/2025
Application Status Approved
Lay Summary

It is important that records of patient ethnicity are accurate when treatment decisions are based on ethnicity. We aim to analyse ethnicity data which will provide a unique opportunity to compare self-reported ethnicity with NHS coded ethnicity. This should lead to deeper understanding of the data recorded in the UK LLC and lead to recommendations to help inform current NHS policy initiatives and, if needed, activities to improve the recording of patient ethnicity. 

To do this, we will count how many ethnicity records people have. We will study if records of ethnicity change over time. We will compare ethnicity records from the NHS with ethnicity records from longitudinal research studies. We know that this is a sensitive area so we will have a steering group of experts and ethnically diverse public contributors to support this project. They will help with the study design, the interpretation of results and the development of communication strategies and materials to explain our findings. 

Datasets Requested

LPS Data:

  • 1958 NCDS (1958 National Child Development Study)
  • ALSPAC (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children)
  • BCS 70 (British Cohort Study 1970)
  • ELSA (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing)
  • EPIC Norfolk
  • EXCEED (Extended Cohort for E-Health, Environment & DNA)
  • Fenland
  • GLAD (Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression)
  • MCS (Millennium Cohort Study)
  • Next Steps
  • NIHR BioResource
  • UKHLS (Understanding Society)

Linked Datasets:

  • Demographics 
  • Civil registrations – Deaths 
  • Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care  
  • Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatient  
  • Hospital Episode Statistics Accident and Emergency  
  • GDPPR Data for Pandemic Planning and Research 
Results & Impact